Monday, March 21, 2011


I cant quite believe its been 6 months since Ive been on here :( I went looking at my last post and realized the dates had stuffed up for some reason....Oh well I know that my babys birthday is the 18th not the 13th lol

Whats been going on with me for the last year and a bit... hmmmmm lets see. Quick version... seperated, moved back to my old neighbourhood, tried the internet dating scene Yeaahhhh NO!!, reconnected with a guy that I used to have a crush on back in primary school (thanks facebook and BFF). Have been seeing said guy for the last 14 months.

We are moving in together soon and the merging of two families has been a bit like a see saw. From 3 kids I now have 5.. ages ranging 5,6,8,9 and 16 ...its a WHOLE different kettle of fish. A real big learning curve in where to go as a large family, budgets etc. Throw into that ive decided that now my youngest is at school full time I want to go to uni and become a teacher. Nothing like added stress lol
My days are pretty much taken up with school activites ( I volunteer at the school), after school activities, running around for my own health reasons and helping my partner set up his own business. Throw in some cooking and cleaning......well maybe not so much cleaning cause my house is screaming at me while I type ) and i'm knackered before I get out of bed lol. Where the hell I think i'll find time for Uni is beyond me but stuff it I'll either succeed or have a nice padded room all to myself :)

I really need to start blogging a bit more too. I had my oldest boys birthday in Jan and my stepsons that I really should post about and yesterday we celebrated my daughters 16th.. That was a good day and well worth a post. We make blended families ROCK! I have so much stuff I could blog about coming into my head now its insane.... How about it.... can I do it??? Lets see how long this will last... I promise myself to blog at LEAST every other day.... I dont have a diary anymore and this is a great outlet for me.

Cool see you then :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

This little Man

Turned 5 today. This little man is my baby and I've told him so too :) I've told him even when he is grown and has babies of his own, he'll still be my baby. That is of course if i survive the teenage years! He is the most headstrong of my children. In his short 5 years he has given me the most grief, the most backchat,the most attitude. He has also given me the biggest laughs. He is my energiser bunny. He. never. STOPS!! He is always on the go, always talking or singing. He loves loves loves trains. I never thought I would have so many trains, cars or trucks in my house. He is more boy than his brother.He is a mini version of his older sister. He is a picky eater he has a short list of foods that he will eat with a minimum of fuss.... for the moment its nuggets, 2 min noodles, yogurt,jelly, fries and pretty much anything junkfood related lol... he isnt wasting away though and im mananging to get SOME vegies in there without him noticing. He certainly keeps me on my toes. I must admit though that while i did sigh with relief when he started kindy this year for 2 days i'm kinda dreading when he starts next year full time. It will be kinda lonely :(
He is my Goofball :

Happy 5Th birthday to my little angel.... I cant wait to see what new experiences you are going to bring into our home. Hope your day is full of fun,friends and play :) Love you so much xxxx

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Was gonna be an update then something happened :)

OMG!!!! I was going to update on things happening in my life at this moment cause.... well ive been.... umm SLACK. To top it off there is 'stuff' to update on. Like separating, moving twice in 3 months, finding new romance and faith with a guy I knew through school, BUT I'm gonna have to go into that another day cause while I was thinking what to write I went 'surfing'.... and found this pic and comment. Oh MY I almost bust a gut laughing :) I know its all kinds of wrong but really.. come on.... isnt it just the teeniest bit hilarious?

fashion fail - Nice Gloves
see more Poorly Dressed

MAN. Jail must have been REALLY rough on Lindsay Lohan. She is not looking fresh.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lest we Forget

Thankyou to all service men and women who have made the life i am living possible through their sacrifices. In return I bow my today to think of you and pay my respects....... You are not forgotten even if I dont know your name......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Number Two

I look at that picture and i cant quite wrap my head around what i see.....Two very beautiful teenagers...two cousins, two different personalities, two girls very much like their mothers that way. Two years apart in age..Two girls who have two little boys who think they are great. Two girls who will one day have two Big boys win their hearts to cherish and hold. There are Two Dads waiting in the wings to make sure that those two boys dont hurt those two hearts ....or else they have two mothers who last night marvelled at how far they have come from being so tiny to these two very capable and gorgeous young women.
The number two..... what a great little number

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sad Day

This morning started like any other. Woke up. Checked my email, checked the news on the internet. Saw a car accident had happened at an intersection that i used to go through all the time in my old neighbourhood. Relaxed a little when i realised it didnt fit the mold of any of my friends who lived around there. Woman, 3 kids... went about my day. Important stuff like dying my hair, figuring out what to have for dinner.

Then tonight.... a phone call from a friend i have known for 30 odd years. His sister. The sister who has buried their mother, had her house burn down and buried her husband. All in the last 5 years. His sister... Woman, 3 kids. Tonight she lays in a hospital bed beside her 8 year old who is suffering internal bleeding. Today she kissed her 5 year olds beautiful face for the last time.

Tonight i sit here and contemplate all the things i THOUGHT were urgent or important and i cant come up with a single thing. Talking to her brother i lay on the floor sobbing. What has this poor woman done to deserve this? When will she be given a break? Hasn't God taken enough? Hasnt she shown her devotion and steadfast loyalty to God? Why does he need more??When will it be enough?

Why is it the innocent and faithful that have to pay and pay? Why do the ones who treat their kids as punching bags or worse allowed to continue on this earth? WHY???

I'm mad, i'm distraught. I'm in shock. this can't be happening to her again....


Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm still here

Well I guess ive proven how brilliant I am as a blogger. The sad fact is I was like this when I actually had to write with a pen and paper in what used to be called a diary. I always started with good intentions and then slowley what started as daily entries became weekly updates then monthly recaps of the important bits. After kids i lost time all together and started taking photos that never make it to albums or sensing a pattern here.

So with that in mind I have decided to change that.. I am going to write more. Not everyday cause trust me my life is not that exciting but I thought i'd steal ideas from other blogs I read on a daily basis. Things like Thankful Thursday, foto friday that sort of thing...

Lets kick start this new me with what I am thankful for this thursday

I am thankful that this morning the good Lord saw fit to allow me to wake up and enjoy another day. I am thankful that my kids are healthy and whole and able to articulate their grieviances so majestically. I am thankful that I have a husband who can light my fire everyday and keep me warm (mind out of gutters people I literally mean a fire)

I am thankful that with all the troubles in the world I am able to put food on our table without thinking about how I 'm going to do it tomorrow. I am thankful that in every sense of the word I am Blessed.

Well there you are. What are you Thankful for?
I may just shock you all and post a foto friday tomorrow... I do actually have one in mind.... we will see.

catch ya later